for the kind words on my efforts, and more importantly for the excellent
design of the Cirrus LT. Yes, it's a great cruiser! I was out in some
fairly windy & choppy conditions and the kayak performed beautifully.
One thing I also noticed was how the boat performs in swells (sort of...).
One day, a passing powerboat put out a significant wake which was like
a following sea. The kayak lifted and surfed easily and under complete
control! It felt so good that now I need to go somewhere to find some
consistent swells to play around in! I should mention that this is my
first sea kayak and was my first time out kayaking aside from a few times
in a recreational kayak and a sit on top, which speaks to the design stability
and ease of handling. The scarflocks went together easily. I used wood
glue as a lubricant so they would slide together. I don't really know
how long it took me to get to the glassing stage. I didn't really keep
track, but am guessing about 30 hours which includes the marquetry. I
think maybe about 20 hours without the marquetry but including careful
aligning deck plates, taping, fillets, sanding, etc. Adding it all up,
I probably have 60 - 80 labor hours in the project (not counting the trips
to Home Depot, Lowes, the local lumber yard and the kitchen to get a beer....)
Thanks again for the great design. - Curt Vaught