This adventure
began thanks to your internet site, so rich of detailed informations regarding
the process, that I became hooked. This is my first project in boat building
and I had no experience in woodworking and no experience in epoxy, so
when I ordered plans I was not really sure what I was doing and if I was
able to build this thing. It has been a challenge for me. But with devotion,
a lot of study and experiments, I overcame all the difficulties: also
I want to thank you for your simple, telling words of help all the times
I nedeed them. Now I'm happy like a man who has reached the top of a difficult
mountain. I'm surprised what a beauty my hands have been able to create.
Well, the sea is not far away from where I live, the season is right,
the kayak is ready, it seems that I can start the new adventure of paddling
I send you a pair of pictures, it is the river Versilia, about 500 yards
near my home. My compliments for the design, I like the compromise between
stability and speed, and between tracking and manouvrability. I noticed
no weathercocking and no broaching, but I paddled in the sea only for
a little time and there were little wind and little waves. It seems to
me a well balanced design.
Kindest regards. Simonelli Iacopo